Cosmic Guides: Your Fall 2024 Travel Horoscope

Cosmic Guides: Your Fall 2024 Travel Horoscope

Sometimes we need a little cosmic push or otherworldly inspiration to inspire our next adventures. This season, Joseph Addeo (our RIES Resident Astrologer) brings us his insights as guided by the stars.

Read on to see what this spring has in store for your sign...

Autumn commences with an escapist Pisces Lunar Eclipse on September 17. Energy under this influence is highly sensitized. Feelings are heightened and last-minute travel is likely. Make the magic happen. A Libra Solar Eclipse on October 2 helps to re-engage with reality in more varied interactions. The remainder of the fall will be about learning to balance, harmonize, and have better relationships with others.

In general, the best time for travel will be mid-October when Jupiter slows down and stretches time. The exact retrograde station is October 9th, but the entire month is excellent for foreign travel. Mercury retrogrades on November 26th and Mars does the same on December 6th. Pay attention to attitude shifts and actions around those dates.


Partnership issues take center stage in October. When making travel arrangements it is important to take others’ points of view into consideration. Travel expands mid-October through late November. Get back home as Mars retrogrades on December 6. The middle of November is a suitable time to sober up and get serious about a spiritual pursuit. You may start to seriously think about downsizing your life in some way and spend time doing what you love. The full moon of October 17th puts the spotlight on you so be prepared.


The solar eclipse on October 2nd can make personal relationships thorny because work relationships take precedence, and a loved one may feel slighted. Make it up to them for a quick weekend getaway on October 11th. The middle of November tests the loyalty of friendship. You will learn lessons around this time about which friends stand the test of time. Family matters may color travel arrangements in early December. As Uranus continues its last lap in Taurus, continue to discover unique and unusual ways to express your identity.


Continue enjoying the passage of Jupiter through Gemini, especially during the month of October when the king of the gods slows down and retrogrades mid-month. This heightens all types of travel and places you smack in the center of the action. A major transformation is happening but there is one last block to get rid of. A professional stall slowly starts to move forward in mid-November. Foreign shores, people and interests are intensely involved in your current transformation. The full moon in Gemini on December 15th puts you in the spotlight, therefore be prepared. Do not scatter yourself. Get facts, figures, and details in order beforehand so that you can show off your smarts rather than flakiness.


The October 2nd Solar Eclipse demands balancing matters on the home front. You may find yourself entertaining foreign visitors in your backyard rather than visiting theirs. A partner may not like the disruption to the household. The most important relationship in your life is going through one last revision before it settles down. The middle of November has important significations regarding mixing travel with business. You are discovering how to merge religion and spirituality, and teachers are helping you form a new life philosophy. There are tectonic shifts with money and sex after November 19th. A retrograde Mars on December 6th heats up a desire to break away and travel to parts of the world that evoke memories of the past.


In early October plant the seeds for new travel opportunities locally and abroad. You are learning to adapt to another neighborhood. Get to know the local folks. It is a highly social time so brush up on casual conversation skills. Social contacts spread fortune and good luck. The entire month of October is great for traveling with groups of friends. There is a close bond forming with someone that intensifies in mid-November. A merger is on the horizon that will change your future. November brings out a strong and dramatic need to act, so travel! When Mars retrogrades on December 6th, you will have to back track over action taken in November and that may mean flying back home!


You will be singing one of two songs in early October; “Money Makes the World Go Around” or “Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?” It all depends on whether a life partner is wringing you dry for all the money you are worth or there is a significant windfall heading your way. You are stuck in the middle either way. It may be an enjoyable time to travel solo, especially in November. Work commitments may prevent your other half from traveling with you. A retrograde Mercury in late November and early December brings overseas guests to your back door. Friends become testy in December.  


On the lunar eclipse of September 17th tie up loose ends at the office so that on the solar eclipse of October 2nd in tandem with a Jupiter station in the 9th house you will be in position to travel and break away from the daily grind. The freedom and desire to travel away from home during October abates in November when Saturn demands a return to challenging work and putting your nose to the grindstone. Retrograde Mars in December forces a change in direction with career matters. Your significant other will force a life altering shift. Pay attention to intuition in December because it will give you a hint as to the changes on the horizon in 2025.


The eclipses on September 17th and October 2nd emphasize the need for escapism, fun, pleasure and spending money on entertainment and sports endeavors. With Jupiter stationing retrograde the entire month of October in your 8th house the spending of money increases. Have a serious powwow over joint resources and finances and how to invest. It will be well worth the price if you plan carefully. Glitches in travel may occur with local transportation rather than the long-distance leg of a trip. The bill that arrives in November for October indulgence brings you back to reality. Retrograde Mars in December brings a great desire to travel overseas to visit family, friends and loved ones that may require assistance.  


Late September and early October require staying at home to take care of serious matters. As October gets underway and planetary ruler Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini the urge for travel away from home is strong. You and your significant other should be traveling as much as life will allow and if you cannot get away in October for a long trip then plan several short-term weekend getaways. Home matters force you to stay in place for November but by December the travel itch once again gets under your skin. Wanderlust returns and I suggest traveling to places previously visited that feel like a home away from home.


The energy of late September is fraught with communication and transportation snags much like a typical Mercury retrograde. Be cautious and leave extra time when traveling and making plans. The solar eclipse of October 2nd emphasizes career matters and requires paying attention to your public image. Appearances and optics matter especially if you are in charge. Traveling for work during October is likely. A trip abroad brings you full circle with the past. It will be a profound summing up of a crucial time as you trade one philosophy for another. Mars retrograde in December causes conflict within a marriage or other intimate relationship. It is time to readjust your values on love and money.


“The times are a changin’!” Pluto turns direct on October 12, then barrels into Aquarius on November 19. This is an evolutionary time. The past two years have been a slow burn about letting go of the old to make way for a new improved personality. The end of 2024 is the time to step back on to the world stage with a reworked image that can take you into the next 20 years of life. October is a great month for romance and travel that is fun and educational. November is about conservation of money. Payment is due for October expenditures. Mars turning retrograde in December brings up work issues from the past that need to be readjusted before the end of the year.


This is a serious time as a lunar eclipse in Pisces sets the stage for the fall. Spend October entertaining visitors at home. A culmination of all the challenging work you have been doing to improve life is mounting, especially towards the middle of November when the goals and dreams that were set back in 2023 start to see tangible results or become short-circuited. Chances are there will be some of both so be philosophical about going after the achievable goals and letting the others fall by the wayside. Retrograde Mars in December re-ignites creative self-expression. Rediscover love in your life.


Joseph Addeo is a Level IV NCGR-PAA Certified Astrologer. He can be reached via his website at

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