Cosmic Guides: Your Fall Travel Horoscope

Sometimes we need a little cosmic push or otherworldly inspiration to inspire our next adventures. This season, Joseph Addeo (our Ries Resident Astrologer) brings us his insights as guided by the stars.
Read on to see what fall has in store for your sign...
The Fall is dominated by a very long transit of Mars in the travel sign of Gemini. The action planet turns retrograde on October 25 making the entire fall season one of revisiting familiar travel destinations. The positive side of the energy is re-familiarizing yourself with places from the past that tug on the heartstrings. The negative side of this energy is a constant changing, editing and reconfiguration of plans and last-minute details. This could make local travel by car, bike, train or bus feel like a thorn in your side. Those small travel details that make things run smoothly can become a nuisance. This will feel like a very long Mercury retrograde, therefore double and triple check tickets, reservations and all the minutiae that goes into planning, packing and taking a trip.
Your planetary ruler Mars will be retrograde in the third house of local trips by ground transportation. Fast-paced Rams have more most confusion, breakdowns, misunderstandings and change in travel plans than other signs this fall. It is advisable to slow down. Don’t leave anything to the last minute. It’s a good time for planning trips to visit siblings and old friends. Re-familiarize yourself with a well-known destination in a new way. Don’t stir the pot by renting out your place to tenants that can potentially bother neighbors. Overseas and long-distance travel is best in November. The eclipses in late October, early November require paying attention to finances and splitting costs carefully when traveling with others.
Mars retrogrades in the second house of money causing loud arguments with friends, siblings, and companions with whom you may consider taking trips. Budget carefully for car rentals as well as possible mechanical failures since there likely will be more expenditures in those areas. The eclipses highlight the subjects of marriage and other important relationships. The entire fall period is colored by dealing smartly with your spouse or important significant other. If you don’t have a special someone then there may be a more obsessive search for finding someone to cuddle closer to. Traveling with a group of friends is good in November but by December you’ll have your fill of them. It’s time to break out of an old rut and routine. You’re learning that the old ways just don’t work anymore.
Mars retrogrades the rest of the year in your birth sign. This has the effect of a double-edged sword causing a Jekyll/Hyde split in your personality. You’ll be more argumentative with others as you feel it’s your right to take charge of situations. The retrograde causes fickleness and constant change of mind every two minutes. Others can’t tell whether they’re coming or going since you can’t make up your mind. The lesson to be learned is how to communicate more carefully and with greater clarity. Staying settled in one place too long is not appealing for your wanderlust. Take lots of short trips via ground transportation. Be aware that the entire rest of the year will feel just like a Mercury retrograde so remember the old adage, “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry!”
There are things going on behind your back that can throw a wrench into travel plans for the remainder of the year. Plan extra carefully and confront those that are putting blocks in the way. Find out who, what or where is placing limits on you and solve problems so that there is room to take advantage of the positive eclipse energy. The eclipse of October 25 highlights the house of romance, fun and dating and the lunar eclipse two weeks later on November 8 is in the house of friends and group activities. These are generally luckier placements so arrange for fun and recreational escapist adventures. You may have to keep a secret romance or affair hidden from those that might not approve. Take a spiritual retreat to a faraway place in late November or early December. You just may need to get away from the responsibilities of home and family.
It’s a good couple of months to have old friends as well as family come for a visit and vacation. Play the role of host and entertain those that have been good to you in the past. Your star quality shines through by opening your home to others. Be generous and create an atmosphere that is warm, welcoming and inviting. A caveat to all this may be friends who overstay their welcome and take advantage of your hospitality. Be sure to set boundaries and limits. After you’ve done your duty entertaining take the month of December to escape to a secluded paradise with a special someone. Shower them with that special brand of romance, love and passion Leo is known for.
It’s time to take a step backwards and rethink travel plans. With the eclipses occurring in the travel sectors of your chart this is a fated period for committing time, energy and money to vacationing. Organize extra carefully as you don’t want mishaps to rile your anger. The Mars retrograde focuses energy on planning several trips simultaneously. Revisit at least two important places from the past you’ve been wanting to re-explore. The deeper you dig into searching for hidden meaning and answering more profound philosophical questions while traveling, the more you’ll grow and expand. There’s a new philosophy being birthed. What you discover while traveling will be incorporated into daily life upon your return.
There’s a decidedly strong urge for foreign travel while Mars retrogrades in Gemini the entire season in the 9th house. Explore like an adventurer in search of buried treasure. It’s wise to choose destinations with which you’re already familiar. Make this trip one of deeper exploration to learn even more about cultures that stir your soul. Perhaps a trek to discover facts and stories about your family history is on the agenda. The eclipses light up the financial sector of the chart and there will be arguments about how much money should be spent on travel. What you bring to the table vs. what your partner brings is up for debate, review and negotiation. Make sure there’s a strong support system back at home to take care of work business while you’re away. Don’t leave your staff to fend for themselves otherwise they’ll feel lost at sea.
This fall season there are so many images of transformation for this passionate sign. The eclipses in the Scorpio/Taurus polarity along with Mars retrograde in Gemini in your 8th house add an extra mystery and magnetism to your personality. Are you a snake shedding an old skin for a new one? Or perhaps a butterfly emerging from its cocoon? A psychological death is in the air that must lead to transitioning to something bigger, grander and more powerful. Where travel is concerned there are major control issues with your partner. They’re in a rebellious mood while you want to hold on to the status quo. Let go of old habit patterns and try something new. If you receive an inheritance spend it wisely. Use some for travel and invest the rest.
Jupiter backs up into Pisces after October 30. That’s the optimum time to leave home and travel abroad. While Jupiter starts a dance with Neptune in Pisces visit exotic places that satisfy fantasy fulfillment. If you live in colder climates then an island paradise is particularly inviting. The Mars retrograde may cause some difficulty in getting a romantic partner to think along the same lines as you so try extra hard to convince them using that effervescent Sagittarian bravura. The biggest snag Mars can throw into your plans is a travel partner cancelling at the very last minute. Don’t be too disappointed because chances are you’ll meet up with unexpected romance while away. Go with the flow and allow for serendipity.
October is more about taking care of work and health matters. When the eclipses hit around the end of October, romantic juices are stirred and a desire to date and do fun things takes hold. Friendships also get a bolt of energy. If gambling is your thing, then go on a cruise with friends or head to an island destination. There is the possibility for having an affair this fall. It most likely will be with someone from your past who comes back to tie up loose ends. If that does happen enjoy it while it lasts, because it most likely won’t continue after the retrograde of Mars ends in January. No matter what your budget is for travel you will overextend yourself so be prepared. There’s no way you can keep costs down.
Like your astrological counterpart Capricorn, this is a wonderful fall to reconnect with a lover from your past. Your status and standing are on the line the next few months. How you handle yourself in public settings or when in the spot light determines how successful you’ll be in important career milestones or anything that could possibly enhance your reputation.
Of all the signs you will want to escape into an other-worldly fantasy adventure. Jupiter retrogrades back into Pisces enhancing imagination, dreams and the yearning for overseas adventure. Mars retrograde in Pisces is seeking new meaning by traveling away from home, and the eclipses in the travel sectors of your chart make a triple whammy for all Pisces to sojourn to far distant paradises. On a psychological level, the deep need for getting away from it all is calling forth a new way to look at the world. You will learn things this fall from other people, places and cultures that fully transform the eyes with which you look at the material world. You can absorb ideas and feelings from beyond the earth realm through traveling that change your life.
Joseph Addeo is a Level IV NCGR-PAA Certified Astrologer. He can be reached via his website at