Cosmic Guides: Your May Travel Horoscopes

Sometimes we need a little cosmic push or otherworldly inspiration to inspire our next adventures. Every month, Joseph Addeo (our Ries Resident Astrologer) brings us his insights as guided by the stars.
Read on to see what May has in store for your sign...
MAY 2022
All travel for the month of May is greatly affected by eclipses in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio. How you negotiate topics such as money, sex, trust and power will intensify. What you bring to the table vs what others bring to the table must be balanced. Jupiter enters Aries and that’s all about taking action for long distance travel!
Be careful of overspending on travel this month. Do your research and get the most value for your buck. Travel to faraway places is in the air with Jupiter having just entered Aries. That makes you do things in big and demonstrative ways. Generosity is your middle name, just be aware of others taking advantage of your bountiful nature and pocket book.
The eclipse in Taurus says it’s a year to make new beginnings on dealing with pleasure in the material world. When traveling this month be aware of having to constantly negotiate with a loved one over where to go, what to do and how much to spend. I suggest traveling to a distant land that has always been on your bucket list. Now is the time to make that dream come true!
Plan some sort of getaway this month otherwise home can feel like a prison. Don’t get chained to a desk or let work overwhelm. Find time to escape for at least a weekend in order to refuel. I suggest bringing some work with you if you must. Better to be on a beach taking care of business rather than in the office all day. Traveling with friends is the way to go. They will get your mind off of mundane problems.
Now is the time to take that once in a lifetime trip that you’ve been planning for many years. Luck is on your side for having fun, romance and revitalizing your spirit! Break open the piggy bank and spend that nest egg you’ve been saving. You can make some wonderful new friends when traveling this month and memories will be created that will last a lifetime. Fortune is on your side! You might even want to gamble a bit.
Travel to foreign places where you can connect with family. It’s a good month to broaden horizons and learn new things through travel. I suggest making a trip to a country that has some historical significance for you, such as a place overseas where relatives live. It’s an ideal time to discover your roots, ancestry and heritage. Reopen the heart connection with family that hasn’t been seen in years.
Now is the time to show off some of those language skills accrued over the years. Virgo has the best luck traveling overseas and exploring new neighborhoods. By the end of the trip that foreign neighborhood will be as familiar as your local neighborhood. Plan routines and have maps, guides and all the necessary equipment to navigate every detail of daily excursions. Take everything to a deeper level and do nothing on a superficial level.
There will be more tense battles with a partner over travel plans this month. Be the “Iron Fist in the Velvet Glove” when dealing with compromising. The big issue will be over where to go and how much money to spend. Unfortunately, you may have to tip the scales in favor of your partner. When doing so try not to hold a grudge. Do keep a check list and ask for a favor in return at a later date.
This is a great month to free yourself from the chains that shackle you at work. Set off for destinations where you can run wild and free. Shake up appearances by buying a new wardrobe, getting a new hairstyle or injecting some botox to transform yourself from a duck to a swan. Heightened romance is still floating in the air so take advantage of the glamour, illusion and fantasy at your disposal.
What a great month it is for free-spirited Centaurs to fly away and shoot their bow and arrow as high as the Sun will allow. Jupiter enters your 5th house and that means romance, fun, gambling, sports and all activities having to do with creative self-expression are at your command. No one reins you in this month as indulgence in all pleasures becomes your raison d’etre. Of course, that means that you will over indulge in spending and may have to pay the price at a later date when the bill comes.
May is a good month for traveling to destinations with groups of friends. There may be one bad apple in the bunch who is difficult to navigate. Do your best to not lock horns and spend time with those in the group that are on the same wavelength. Let loose with high spirited physicality and if you’re sports minded it’s a great time to take some risks and participate in daredevil activities. The seeds of an important romance are planted.
This is going to be a very busy month at work or taking care of family matters, so it may be more difficult to travel for any extended period of time. It would be wise to do short weekend excursions that keep you close to home base in case you’re called upon in an emergency. Aquarius has the most responsibility of all the signs this month, so it’s important to temper any excessive energy and take care of business before pleasure.
Put your money where your mouth is! Any kind of fantasy or dream trip that has been in the imagination for years can take root now. You may spend a small fortune on an epic trip, but it will be worth the cost. Of course, don’t spend every last cent, but do go the extra length to indulge in pleasure without leaving yourself in the poor house afterwards. Go after your personal vision of Shangri-La!
Joseph Addeo is a Level IV NCGR-PAA Certified Astrologer. He can be reached via his website at