Cosmic Guides: Your Summer 2023 Travel Horoscopes

Sometimes we need a little cosmic push or otherworldly inspiration to inspire our next adventures. This season, Joseph Addeo (our Ries Resident Astrologer) brings us his insights as guided by the stars.
Read on to see what this summer has in store for your sign...
The Summer Season is flavored by a mutual reception between the Cancer Sun and the Leo Moon. The stage is set for rediscovering joy and harmony by marrying an outer vision of summer fun with an inner need for comfort and security.
This beautiful energy aligned with Venus retrograde in dramatic and fiery Leo highlights re-igniting and revitalizing romance, recreation, joy and creative self-expression vis-a-vis partnership. Solid relationships will grow deeper and more passionate. Relationships that are built on a rocky foundation will either crack and crumble or conversely be restructured and made stronger depending on whether they are meant to stand the test of time. For single folks there could be a past romance that returns for a heated summer fling.
No matter what, for everyone, reevaluating current relationships will be a top priority. Starting brand new romantic entanglements is not suggested unless you’re willing to have an intense summer fling and call it quits after September. That could be fun in its own way provided you don’t get too attached. Jupiter spurs Venus to indulge in long distance travel for just about everybody.
You’ve made a good amount of money since Jupiter entered Taurus in May and this summer is the time to spend it on luxury, gambling, romance and fun. For single Aries it can be a revolving door of dating and affairs. For partnered Rams you’ll show off by showering loved ones with gifts, trips and jewels. When it comes to traveling the world is your oyster and you have the money to be extravagant and sail or fly to exotic places. Traveling and calculated risk-taking, gambling and a carefree, freedom-loving attitude is optimum before July 23. After that date you may have to plan to work while on the road. That’s fine provided you stay organized and scheduled about working hours while sharing glamorous adventures with loved ones. It’s more about time management after July 23.
Do not even think about cutting back this summer with Jupiter in Taurus and your planetary ruler Venus is in Leo, turning retrograde after July 23. Indulgence, adventure, expansion, optimism and the desire to experience more earthly pleasures is running slightly amok all summer. Give in and surrender to fine eating, dining, luxury and indulgence. Fighting the pleasure principle is not suggested. Traveling far from home is ideal before July 23. After that date, when Venus retrogrades in the 4th house, you may want to spend the rest of the summer close to home with family, friends and loved ones nearby. The entire month of August is a homecoming. Attend BBQs and enjoy local and day trips to nearby places. Get reacquainted with those that make you feel most comfortable and at ease. You will redefine the definition of family and its value in your life.
This summer is a recalibration and fine tuning of communication skills especially after July 23 when Venus in Leo retrogrades in the third house. Any tendency to exaggerate will be curtailed as this energy forces you to think about what you say and find the ideal words to communicate thoughts and ideas to loved ones. You will come out of the summer with better communication skills that improve all your most intimate relationships. When it comes to travel it is better to stay local. Romantic short-term trips are best, and the conversations had in car drives with loved ones can literally change your life. Vacation time will give you a new outlook and philosophy on life. Even when traveling overseas, plan to rent a car for local day trips.
This sign can find the most inner peace and harmony this summer provided they share the wealth with others. Around the Cancer New Moon of July 17 take control of situations. The parental role comes naturally so play it to the hilt. Even though taking control is important don’t suffocate others with unreasonable demands. Cancer is a normally thrifty sign, but with Venus retrograde in the 2nd house of money there's a tendency to overspend and pay top-dollar when making travel arrangements. You’ve worked hard and want and deserve the very best! Have fun traveling in groups and experience the rebirth of old friendships. Take some road trips in late August.
Venus is traveling in Leo the entire summer and that puts the romantic spotlight firmly on you! Venus is the planet of beauty and in the first house that means looks and appearances will shine all summer. The retrograde from July 23 through September 4 will transform your personal style in some way. Love affects the Lion very, very strongly for the next three months. It’s important to have a partner to travel with and to deepen romantic passions. The most potent period is from July 22 through August 22. Desire is strong for traveling to old, familiar places that re-ignite the spark of romance with someone for whom you care deeply. It’s time to rediscover what it is about that person that attracted you to them in the first place. The Leo New Moon this year falls on August 16 so make special plans. In late August expect large credit card bills for all the money spent on travel in July and early August. It will be well worth it.
It’s important to escape from the drudgery of everyday life with escapist fantasies. Jupiter in your 9th and Venus in Leo in your 12th is ideal energy for faraway travel to romantic, exotic places that stimulate the imagination. It’s time to foray into heretofore unknown territory. Don’t be humble and self-effacing. That attitude is for others. It would be wise to plan trips to new places after July 10 through mid-August. When Mercury turns retrograde on August 22 is the time to make plans for travel destinations that are familiar and deserve a revisit. Labor Day will be a particularly important travel weekend. Love partners may need to be coaxed a bit more than usual. Do that by demonstrating how willing you are to take care of all the details. That will be a turn on to others.
Venus is your ruling sign, and she will be traveling in Leo the entire summer in your 11th house. That suggests spending a lot of time with friends. The brunt of the retrograde period from July 23 through Labor Day is all about deepening friendship bonds with those that are worth it and cutting off ties with others. You will make great discoveries about which friends stay and which ones go. There’s much fun making group travel arrangements. Extravagance is more than likely so allow yourself to take some risks. The optimum travel dates for Libra are August 20 through Labor Day. Because Libra is a partnership sign, and Venus is retrograde, there will be important relationship lessons learned this summer. With lovers it’s important to develop deeper friendship, and with friends it’s important to develop deeper love. You will learn to broaden the definition of romance!
Venus in the 10th house has the feeling of putting your romantic partner up on a pedestal for everyone to see just how lucky you are! There is much bounty around summer love if you play your cards right. Jupiter in your 7th in aspect to Venus in the 10th is a beautiful energy for showering partners with love and affection. Spend lots of time, money and energy on foreign travel. More outward displays of public affection color your mood from June 20 through mid-July 23. The mood shifts inward to more private displays of affection after July 23. There’s just so much you and your partner are willing to expose! Passionate Scorpio has the most luck in intensifying romantic connections in more psychologically complex ways. The urge to merge is super strong!
Your planetary ruler Jupiter is in Taurus spurring Venus in Leo to indulge in as many of the 7 deadly sins as possible this summer! This could be great fun although by the time Jupiter turns retrograde on September 4 you may have to pay the price, health wise, for overindulgence. Foreign travel opens opportunities for exploration of incredibly diverse horizons. With Venus retrograde in your 9th there’s energy akin to having a “lover in every port” at your disposal should the desire be there. If you’re committed to one partner, then the more intimate side of this traveling duo is to re-experience foreign destinations that were visited in the past. Look back especially to the summer of 2015 for similar types of experiences this summer.
Your partner is in the mood for deep conversations. Strengthen the relationship through in-depth discussions of trust and intimacy. With Saturn retrograde in Pisces all summer in your 3rd house it is advisable to listen carefully and absorb information. Assess their needs and after Venus turns retrograde on July 23 do everything in your power to show them how much you care. Follow this timeline: Listen carefully to their wants and desires on the Capricorn full moon of July 3 and then spring into action to satisfy those needs with romance and travel after the Cancer new moon on July 17. The rest of the summer should be spent getting to know each other all over again. For single goats it’s time to get out the little black book and call up former lovers from the past.
The retrogrades of Pluto, Saturn and Venus force this normally future-oriented and progressive sign to make a 180-degree turn towards the past. Get reacquainted with a spouse or other close loved one this summer. If you don’t, you’re passing up a wonderful opportunity for intimate bonds to rekindle. For single water-bearers, romantic flames and lovers from the past may come back to stimulate the libido. Look back to the summer of 2015 for a clue to how this summer may play out. Travel must have a spiritually cleansing aspect so choose places that clear the mind of clutter. Select faraway venues that transport the soul, mind and spirit to another realm to replenish and refuel.
This is a summer to review dreams, fantasies and put in the work and effort to ground them in reality. There’s a serious and sober energy to Pisces. Saturn retrograde in the 1st house and Venus retrograde in the 6th house is a rather ascetic combination. This energy favors people like nuns, monks, doctors, nurses and those devoted to surrendering themselves to higher causes and healing. There is a new healthy practice, routine or ritual that must become a daily habit. When it comes to travel it’s better to do short term local trips by car or train with someone that shares your quest for self-improvement. Sojourns to the beach and mountains where you and a partner can commune with nature are extremely satisfying. A highly introspective summer resonates with this most feminine sign.
Joseph Addeo is a Level IV NCGR-PAA Certified Astrologer. He can be reached via his website at