Cosmic Guides: Your Summer Travel Horoscope

Sometimes we need a little cosmic push or otherworldly inspiration to inspire our next adventures. This season, Joseph Addeo (our Ries Resident Astrologer) brings us his insights as guided by the stars.
Read on to see what summer has in store for your sign...
The summer is colored by a free spirited and independent minded energy. With Jupiter in Aries overseas travel is opening up. There’s adventure in the air with a willingness to take more risks. It’s time to travel away from home. The pandemic has kept us unduly cloistered over the past couple of years and the astrological energy this summer is about opening doors and windows. Make a commitment to socialize and truly understand a rebirth in life.
Act with courage, communicate with clarity, learn with enthusiasm, value new friendships, and rebuild social connections. The continued travel snag will be about delays and cancellations at a moment's notice when you least expect it so plan carefully and give yourself extra time when making flight connections.
June is a month when there can be unexpected large outlays of money. This is especially true for travel where the best that money can buy is a lure to self-indulgence. Temptation is high for expensive pleasure. Certain expenses may catch you off guard. Dipping into savings may be necessary. With Jupiter traveling direct in Aries most of the month the wanderlust urge is very, very strong for overseas travel to new places. After July 28 when Jupiter turns retrograde the desire is strong for travel to previously visited destinations from the past. A retreading and retracing of familiar territory is suggested. That energy is in effect the rest of the summer. August 1st and 2nd are particularly exciting days when unexpected things may happen out of the blue.
The bull is charging away from its peaceful, lazy, pasture and into exciting travel territory this summer. A primordial fire is lit reigniting long-distance travel. It’s time to break out of a boring rut or routine. You must escape the dull, drab, daily drudgery and explode into something exciting, innovative and new. This is not a summer to stall, stagnate and become stale, and if you don’t make a shift you’ll be missing out on a great opportunity for change. You will be at your most impulsive at the very end of July into the first few days of August, yet the entire summer is tinged with more vitality at your disposal so take advantage of the added creative power and energy. Enjoy the new found freedom!
Your planetary ruler Mercury is traveling through Cancer and your 2nd house for the middle of July so spend time making weekend trips to local places by train or car where nature abounds and you can be close to family. Jupiter and Mercury are in harmonious aspect from July 20 through August 4. This is the best time for an extended vacation and long-distance travel with loved ones. Mercury traveling through Virgo and the 4th house from August 5 through the 27th is best spent entertaining on the home front or attending parties and BBQs at the home of family and friends. Plans can be unexpectedly thrown into a tailspin on August 1 so be flexible.
Sensitive crabs should really shine this summer especially late June through mid-July. Foreign travel stirs the soul and takes center stage. While home and family are always important, this is not the summer to spend inordinate amounts of time cloistered behind closed doors or within the safety and security of your home. Go out, be seen and travel to faraway places that enhance a feeling of belonging to something larger than your private bathysphere. Venus entering Cancer on July 19th signals a time when relationships become more committed and caring. Traveling with someone whose habits coincide with yours is highly suggested. This sign can balance work and vacation very well during August, in fact bring all devices wherever you may roam because you’ll be able to earn some geld while drinking a piña colada on the beach!
This sign is always ready for a party and the summer is when Lions roar and come alive. During late June through July 22nd there’s plenty of fun to be had but its best to find your mojo away from the center of things. Travel to a secluded getaway by the beach or in the mountains where you can be social but also escape into private, personal time and recharge. When the Sun enters Leo from July 22 through August 23 you can take centerstage and pretty much do as you please. This is your party month.
Jupiter in harmonious Aries all summer long fans the flames by expanding the urge to travel, sojourn, adventure and broaden your horizons through experiencing as much of the world as possible. It’s a great time for learning. Be careful of going overboard the weekend of August 12th. You may have to pay the price for excessive behavior.
The first half of July is a great time to travel with friends and deepen those convivial bonds. The second half of July is more conducive to escaping to faraway romantic places where you can have the privacy to pursue a more personal and special type of partying. August is the month to take charge and do things according to your schedule. Being the boss and controlling travel plans ensures that everything runs smoothly, just be careful of being overly controlling and bossy. People like a schedule and plan, but they also require flexibility and spontaneity. Mercury turns retrograde in September so be prepared to backtrack, revise and review.
Venus in Gemini through July 18th is an ideal time for travel of all kinds whether long distance or local. If traveling overseas then plan several short excursions after settling into your location. Mid July through mid-August is perfect for nesting and settling down for a very comfortable and homey travel experience. It’s a perfect time for a summer home or cabin by the sea, in the mountains or country. You’ll be in the familial mood whether surrounded by blood family or friends. Choose being around those with whom you can let your hair down. The latter part of the summer is livelier and party oriented. Everything is tinged with more drama, theater and outgoing behavior.
It’s important to make compromises with loved ones when traveling in July and August. Intimate companionship is desired by strong physical connections. This can be sexual or by engaging in physically taxing activities such as rock climbing, hiking or all types of summer sports. There’s a healthy competitive urge in the air. Make the most of experiencing intense passion and pleasure because the fall will bring a more challenging time. Late summer is a good time to mentally prepare for a hard-working fall. Your controlling nature is strong when it comes to dominating others, so try to curb the intensity with a sense of humor or fun when persuading others to do what you want.
Your planetary ruler remains in Aries all summer in the 5th house of fun, romance and creative self-expression. Most of July is about freedom and exploration of new places and destinations. When Jupiter turns retrograde in late July the remainder of the summer would be a good time to return to travel destinations that have a sense of deja vu. There’s great potential for understanding and healing of old wounds this summer. If you’re the type of Sagittarius that tends to go overboard you will learn how to balance the need for fun without abusing the body with addictive behaviors. Look for ways to have fun that inspire and invigorate rather than weaken and harm the body. Connecting to children outwardly or to your own inner child can revitalize the spirit.
The predominant energy lingering throughout the summer is the discernment of how much money is truly required in order to have fun and enjoy partying. Goats are more than willing to spend money provided they get a big bang for their buck. The travel bug is strong with Jupiter in the 4th house. It’s a good summer to get reacquainted with your ancestral roots after several years of pandemic isolation. There’s more confrontation with loved ones in August when trying to compromise travel plans. There must be a give and take of what you want vs what the partner wants. Make sure everyone is paying their equal share for travel expenses.
It is advisable to leave your home in responsible hands when traveling away for any length of time, especially in July. There could be trouble on the home front, so have a caretaker that can solve unexpected problems in your absence. Aquarians continue to display their bossy and authoritative side all summer. Be careful of taking the phrase, “my way or the highway” too literally, otherwise you may find yourself voyaging all alone with no one to share the fun times.
August travel plans definitely require a more equal balance in negotiation with a partner. Compromise is of utmost importance when planning activities. Concessions must be made concerning likes, dislikes, wants and desires. Learn to enjoy something that heretofore was not to your liking. Long trips by car or rail are suggested.
It’s a beautiful summer to deepen your relationship with mother nature. The sensitiveness of this sign can be enriched with a more profound connection to the earth and water. Travel brings more value, meaning and substance to daily existence. There is a generosity with money as well as the soul. Share the Piscean gifts with those in your closest circle. Logic is in short demand this summer; therefore, it is wise to escape from the daily grind as much as possible. It will be easy to get lost in foreign countries so keep the phone and GPS handy and fully charged. August is particularly good for romance. You may find the coffers very low by the end of summer but the memories made will be well worth the money spent.
Joseph Addeo is a Level IV NCGR-PAA Certified Astrologer. He can be reached via his website at