Cosmic Guides: Your Winter 2024 Travel Horoscopes

After the communication snags of Mercury in retrograde ending on January 2, Pluto enters Aquarius for the second time on January 21. There is an intensification of issues that first appeared in the spring of 2023 when Pluto first entered that sign. Things are stepping up to the next level!
Regarding winter travel, it is important to adapt to new protocols, procedures and technologies that continue to advance the travel industry. Uranus turns direct on January 27 and urges all of us to move forward with adapting innovative and progressive ideas to daily life. This will noticeably impact the airline industry which is ruled by the planet Uranus.
Travel will be difficult around the holidays, but you’ll be ready to fight and do battle to make a trip successful. The year starts in a productive way after a frenzy burst of energy. Your friendships, alliances and connections play a hugely important role for the next few months. Travel plays an important part in enhancing your status and reputation. How you come across to others in groups settings will dictate success or failure. If you’re traveling for pleasure and romance be sure to add friendship to the relationship equation, otherwise control issues get out of hand. Money continues to be made and spent freely.
Taurus is full of good cheer this holiday season with Jupiter standing still in your sign. Your generosity expands along with your waistline. Foreign travel is a high priority but plan carefully and critically with a Mercury retrograde through the top of the year. Break out into new horizons and territories after January 27. Venus remains in Sagittarius for most of January keeping you in the mood to be on foreign shores. There’s a new routine starting at the top of the year, and it may take till February to settle in. Life is uprooted as 2024 begins and it is important for this stubborn sign to adapt, or you will get lost in the shuffle.
A nasty mercury retrograde through January 2 will affect this mercurial sign more than most. Miscommunication comes via a loved one so do your best to engage in open and honest conversation and leave plenty of room for a change in travel plans. Powerful situations overseas are transforming life in mysterious ways that may be hard to grasp. A plan is slowly being revealed even if you’re still unsure of how it works. You’re rising to the top of the heap in life so everything you do right now is about high achievement and reaping rewards, although there is one area of life that feels as if it is out of your control. That snag is related to relationships with foreigners and foreign travel.
Your partner may be the one putting a damper on travel plans while Mercury is retrograde through the top of January. Try to be patient even at the height of their disorganization. This sign, which often likes to retreat in its shell, will be out in the open taking center stage so dress the part. Generally, for 2024, the first half of each month is more social, public and outgoing and the second half more internal and introspective. Pluto entering Aquarius probes deep trust and intimacy issues with loved ones and perhaps major shifts in finance. Jupiter traveling direct through the 11th house is optimal for expanding a social network and traveling in groups of friends that feel like family.
December and the first three weeks of January put way too much energy in the 6th house, so work is the preoccupying factor for Lions even with the holidays approaching. When Pluto and the Sun enter Aquarius around January 20th that shifts major emphasis on partnership. Relationship challenges that appeared in the spring of 2023 will only intensify and deepen at this time. Leo will either jump into a relationship at full throttle or pull out of one with the same passion. All the hard work you’ve been doing from 2023 will pay off with expansive travelling in February and March. Spend hard-earned money on trips and showering yourself and loved ones with the pleasures and luxuries of success.
Mercury is retrograde in your 5th house of romance at the top of the year. An old flame from the past may be just the person with whom to ring in the New Year. It’s an excellent time to spend money on foreign travel as Jupiter moves forward in the 9th house. Broaden your horizons and don’t be surprised if a trip suddenly emerges from out of the blue in late January. For married Virgos it is important to work hard on the relationship and not isolate. For single Virgos it is time to put the effort into dating and finding someone that can meet your high standards. A powerful person will transform your daily routine in the first few months of the year.
Mercury retrograde during the holiday season causes mishaps and missteps with family so put on your best Libra smile and go with the flow. Venus for the first three months of the year is traveling through a very creative and romantic part of the zodiac. The best time for a passionate getaway would be February 10 through March 12. Love abounds so find someone with whom to share a winter interlude on the ski slopes and by a fire. Pluto entering Aquarius is going to transform everything about your approach to dating this year. If you’re already partnered this energy will demand finding renewed romance. Things no longer can stay the same. Find a new G spot.
Be wary of sibling squabbles during the holiday season while Mercury is retrograde. It is a good time to settle a score. Short distance traveling and making connections with flights, trains and boats can be monumentally difficult so keep your cool. Mars and Venus connect on February 22 making that period an optimum time to travel with a loved one. There is a merging of energies that can make transformative shifts in the relationship game. Watch as Pluto enters Aquarius after January 22 to see major changes in your approach to socializing. You may start to welcome others into your inner sanctum after years of privacy. Travel partners continue to be generous with Jupiter traveling through the 7th house. You’ll be lucky meeting others while abroad.
Mercury rules your 7th and 10th houses so the retrograde that starts the winter will be felt mostly in the areas of career and relationships. End of the year arguments around money are disruptive yet productive. Jupiter moves forward at the top of the year in the 6th house so that bodes well for job expansion. The best time for travel is mid-February to mid-March. When in a foreign country you may be so profoundly affected by the local people that you decide to move there by the end of the year. It’s important not to isolate yourself at home. Share resources with others. It’s smart to travel with someone in intimate surroundings to assess maybe moving in with them by the spring.
Mercury retrograde in Capricorn has you running around like a chicken with its head cut off. You won’t feel back on track again until January 21 when the trickster leaves its second shadow. It’s hard to make up your mind so don’t even try. Don’t be rigid about travel plans because they will change. As January picks up so do relationships. It will be important to work hard to court those with whom you’d like to be intimate. Jupiter is traveling through the 5th house of romance and dating. Whisk loved ones to far off lands and spend money on fun and adventure. With Saturn in Pisces in the terms of Venus you can make relationship dreams come true, especially in March.
As Pluto enters Aquarius it feels like an alien invasion has taken over your being. It is important to stay grounded as the year begins because your electrical grid is being rewired and it can short-circuit the body. Old escape hatches are now closed, and hard work is needed to achieve dreams and goals. Develop new talents and be forward thinking about the future and don’t wallow in the past. Change is sorely needed these next few months. It is advisable to travel far from home to see what lies beyond your backyard. It’s time to shake things up and broaden horizons towards foreign shores.
Saturn is in Pisces. Reality sets in and the tone and the mood are serious. It is difficult to daydream with this energy. What Saturn demands is to make dreams a reality through hard work, effort and focus. Belief isn’t enough, you must get your hands dirty. Ruling planet Jupiter moves direct on New Years Eve. That portends much more travel is in store for you in 2024 with the planet of foreign travel in the house of local travel. Mix up the two in creative ways. It is time to get out of a rut and throw out old worn-out habit patterns.