Friendships and a Good Beard Oil: In Conversation with Gerald Cannon

Window, Middle or Aisle? For me, I prefer an Aisle seat, as I need as much leg room as possible (I’m a tall guy). Also doesn’t hurt to be near the restroom and to take an occasional walk, especially on flights longer than 5 hours.
Where’s the last place you traveled? Port Antonio, Jamaica with beautiful people for a friend's birthday celebration. We actually started the trip in Kingston and then headed 3 hours north to hit the hilly side of the island.

What does travel mean to you? An opportunity to experience how other people live would be my biggest reason to travel. Travel allows me to evaluate my own perspective on how I live my own life - it’s a privilege to see and discover other worlds.
What’s your idea of a perfect vacation? Traveling with my girlfriend is the perfect vacation. We love experiencing places that are as far from our everyday life. Any place where we can taste new food, learn a new language and discover finds that add to our home - makes me happy.
What do you most value in your friendships? In friendships, I value complete honesty above everything else. Honesty is important as I value transparency in order to evolve.
What (or Who) currently inspires you? My father inspires me everyday, he is 60+ and is still checking goals off his bucket list. My father also prioritizes giving back to the next generation which is also a key value of my own.
What is your self-care routine when traveling? My traveling routine when traveling must include tea tree oil, Klair Moisturizer and a good beard oil. These key products help me keep my skin in order while switching climates.
The holy grail of your beauty routine? Bulldog Charcoal Face Wash and Wonder Rice Soothing Toner are the holy grail of my grooming routine because I love clean pores and tighten skin.

What are you manifesting in your life right now? I am working hard and praying for an art studio to have a separate workspace to create large scale projects. It’s important to have separate space so that my mind can wonder while also being able to fully disconnect from my art when I am home.