Your Cosmic Guides: Spring 2025 Travel Horoscopes

Your Cosmic Guides: Spring 2025 Travel Horoscopes

Sometimes we need a little cosmic push or otherworldly inspiration to inspire our next adventures. This season, Joseph Addeo (our RIES Resident Astrologer) brings us his insights as guided by the stars.

Read on to see what this spring has in store for your sign...

Spring arrives with a Solar Eclipse in Aries giving an extra burst of energy to forge new beginnings. The house where the solar eclipse occurs highlights the area of life where the birth will occur.

The retrogrades of Mercury and Venus in Aries will force a deep dive review of that area of life before going full speed ahead with a new vision in late April through May. Neptune enters Aries at the top of April revealing where new dreams can be created.

When Saturn joins Neptune in Aries in late May those dreams can concretize and start to take a hold in reality. A new world vision and order is being created globally and personally. Make sure you have the fortitude and strength of your convictions this spring to manifest a brighter future amidst so much evolutionary change. 


While Mercury and Venus are retrograde in Pisces for most of April it would be wise to reflect on making changes to your personality and physical appearances. May is the month to put those plans into action. Neptune entering Aries at the top of April stimulates an enormous amount of creativity and imagination. Why not start this major energy shift by escaping to a magical travel destination? When Saturn enters Aries in late May, return to the daily work grind and assume greater responsibility. The rest and relaxation will enable you to make new career beginnings with a fresh and clear attitude.  


This normally practical and earthy sign gets a healthy dose of mysticism this spring. You will care less about material security and more about spirituality and stepping into worlds where you can escape from the mundane responsibilities of daily life. Mercury, Venus, Neptune, and Saturn will be traveling through the 12th house for most of the spring. It is a wonderful time to travel and experience your own personal White Lotus vacation.

Delve into the mystical, the imagination and the ethereal for those worlds add greater depth and substance to earthly living. It is time to break open the piggy bank and spend some of that savings on a fantasy destination vacation.  


Spring starts with an intense review of friendships to decide which are everlasting and which are fair weather friends. Some will stay, some will go and some will transform. Those friends that measure up to this intense scrutiny will be known by May.

Travel with one of those close friends, or a group of them, while Mercury turns direct through Aries between April 17 and May 11 or when in the sign of Gemini between May 26th and June 9th. You may become more politically inclined in June as Saturn and Neptune partner to create action to get involved in community affairs. You can make a difference! 


Cancers have been buried deep under their hard and crusty shell for the past 8 months. There has been a tremendous psychological push to get home, family and personal needs in order. That deep dive into the past now pays off as the butterfly emerges from its cocoon. A new personal credo will have an amazing effect on career matters and your public image. A career peak is coming to fruition in June. Before that happens enjoy some travel time abroad. The best weeks for travel are April 19th and May 16th.  


Like your compatriot Cancer, the last 8 months have been a spiritual retreat into the mystical waters of life. It has been a winter of a deeper hibernation than usual. As Mars burst into Leo on April 18th the lion will roar once again with renewed strength and vigor. Travel wherever your heart desires from mid-April onwards.

With Neptune and Saturn entering the 9th house of foreign travel the next couple of years will be life-changing regarding your relationship with foreigners, foreign connections, foreign language and exploring the meaning of life through the gift of travel. The steps put forward in this area of life this spring will have long term effects.  


Marriage and partnerships are in the midst of being recalibrated through the middle of April. A vacation with the spouse is recommended the first half of April while Venus is still retrograde. That could be an ideal time to review the relationship. It is important to have alone time together to discuss challenges in order to make the partnership stronger.

As Saturn enters the 8th house in late May there will be a decision to either deepen marital commitment or break it off. It is important to do the necessary work in the early part of the spring to give that relationship every opportunity to succeed. Around May 4th a work shift causes a review of current job responsibilities.  


Your partner has been behaving like Jekyll and Hyde over the past few months and will continue to do so as spring gets underway. There is a day of reckoning regarding wanting to get married, remaining married or deciding to be single. That day arrives around May 26 when Saturn enters Aries. Before that it would be wise to travel with that important loved one to see if the relationship is salvageable. Time traveling together may be just what the doctor ordered to get things back on track.  Reignite romance around May 4th. It is a monumentally valuable time to see if a dream comes true or if the bubble bursts.  


Romance is reignited the first few weeks of spring for married folks and for single Scorpions an unexpected lover from the past reappears to tie up loose ends. Planetary ruler Mars has been moving retrograde and direct for the past 8 months in the house of foreign travel. There has been an invaluable lesson learned during the winter. As Mars moves direct and remains in the 9th house through April 19th a revelatory trip can uncover a new philosophy that illuminates everyday living. Work takes precedence in late April. Travel gets a renewed burst of energy in June.  


The Solar Eclipse in Aries coincides with the retrogrades of Mercury and Venus in the sign of the Ram. Through the end of April a tremendous amount of energy is expended on romance, love, fun, sports, games and hobbies. Venus retrograde wants to strongly reignite romance with the person that most floats your boat. Old friends will circle back to forge a deeper intimacy.

Jupiter remains in Gemini through the middle of June enhancing travel with loved ones, especially around May 27th. A romance that begins at the top of May can blossom into something stronger when Saturn enters Aries at the beginning of June.  


There are several ways the energy in the sky this spring can affect you. Pick the one that is of most use. If you have writing, lecturing, or teaching talent this is a great spring to work on projects that enhance those mercurial ambitions.

Many Capricorns will start major home improvement projects in May. Your house or apartment can become a showplace for entertaining others, or a place to combine work with home life. End relationships with those that disappoint and make new beginnings with those that really care. The last 8 months have helped you figure out who stays and who goes. The other way the energy will work is by planning several weekend excursions to places not too far from home.  


A more conservative attitude towards money has served you well over the past couple of years. Now is the time to cash-in savings and indulge in some well-earned high-end travel. Take the bull by the horns around May 4th. Assume greater authority and learn to express power appropriately. Be mindful of taking a “my way or the highway” attitude. If behavior becomes too controlling a partner will rebel on April 19th. Make sure phone apps and digital technologies are up to date to make smart travel easier to navigate.

The April 13th full moon illuminates opportunities for foreign journeys. Pick a travel companion based on a careful review of who will be the most fun and not necessarily a romance.  


You have been on a sober journey for what seems like eternity, especially if you have had some unhealthy habits to break. There has also been a deeper spiritual analysis with Saturn and Neptune traveling through Pisces. When they enter the 2nd house in April and May, commit to new ways of making money based upon creative options you have been exploring and picking over the past couple of years. The soil is fertile for talent to root and grow into something prosperous and fruitful over the next 6 months. Travel far away from home in the last week of May.  


Joseph Addeo is a Level IV NCGR-PAA Certified Astrologer. He can be reached via his website at

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