Your Cosmic Guides: Winter 2025 Travel Horoscopes

Sometimes we need a little cosmic push or otherworldly inspiration to inspire our next adventures. This season, Joseph Addeo (our RIES Resident Astrologer) brings us his insights as guided by the stars.
Read on to see what this spring has in store for your sign...
Winter is upon us in the Northern Hemisphere where it’s cold on the outside but hot on the inside courtesy of a retrograde Mars in Leo and then Cancer that lasts through March.
Rekindle the flames of romance! If partnered, do the necessary work to improve the relationship. If single, someone from the past may dramatically reappear to reignite fun and games. It will lead to a re-appreciation of the role they play in your life.
When Venus retrogrades in March there’s an even deeper reevaluation of what love means, and important relationships get a makeover and facelift. Some will end, others will shift and one very special one will improve.
Quick tempered, excitable Rams are forced to put the brakes on their more volatile emotions. Pent up anger must be released in healthy ways by either a home improvement project or traveling away from home where you can escape the feeling of being caged in. Make travel plans for the second week of February to break away from winter doldrums. Venus retrogrades in Aries on March 2. That month will be one of deep introspection about the role you play to improve the presence of love in your life. Psychologically ask yourself, “How can I get out of my own way!” Spend money in March to improve physical appearance.
There’s a sudden, unexpected financial expenditure at the very end of January. It may have something to do with fixing an old car or buying a new one. February is a good time to break out of a winter rut and escape to a warmer climate. Planetary ruler Venus turns retrograde in the 12th house beginning March 2. You can no longer keep that secret lover hidden in the closet. Lift love to a more spiritual plateau. Discover deeper powers of healing through a demonstration of unconditional love.
Sojourn to foreign shores after Jupiter turns direct in Gemini on February 4. Mentally driven Gemini has learned to understand the importance of having a broader outlook on life. Travel is one of the most important ways to keep the mind sharp, alert and curious. It also provides an opportunity for reigniting a past romance. Retrograde Mars has you rethinking finances and investments at the top of the year. During March when Mercury and Venus retrograde, friends will reveal their true colors and there will be a reevaluation of your social network.
Mars spends most of its retrograde in Cancer for the first quarter of 2025. It’s time to redirect creative energy towards career matters. Work hard to re-strategize a career path by updating skills. By the spring a more powerful personal persona is rebirthed. While Jupiter remains in the 12th house of escapist fantasy, plan some downtime the first week of February. Prepare a gourmet meal for Valentine’s Day and if you’re not a culinary wizard in the kitchen spend money on a fine dining experience.
The famous Leo Lion’s Roar is rather muted this winter with a retrograde Mars traveling through your sign for part of the red planet's retrograde. You may think the year should get off to a fast start but there are things to clear up in the psychological attic and basement of your life. There are habit patterns holding you back from truly expressing what’s in the heart. Do a deep probe to find the roar again and let the world know you’re back in the limelight by the spring. Become more like a bear this winter and hibernate in some special cloistered place to get in touch with spiritual matters. Traveling with old friends brings comfort and adventure.
Friendships are fraught with tension. If there isn’t a serious discussion about old grudges, then the rift can lead to a permanent break in March. If you value a close friend, then do the necessary work to heal. Venus retrogrades in the 8th house on March 2 forcing a serious financial discussion with a partner or advisor. Reassess joint assets in order to build future financial growth. When doing any traveling this winter be aware of the Virgo tendency to be overly organized and structured. It is important to remain flexible otherwise others will view you as a persnickety control freak. The one day where you should be in control and call the shots is Valentine’s Day! Show off your skills in the kitchen and the bedroom!
A significant other, business partner or the boss is acting like Mr. Hyde. It’s hard to read their energy when they change their mind every other day. Anger issues are forcing you to be more understanding, yet also stand your ground. Being understanding doesn’t mean being a pushover. To alleviate pressure, take a trip around Valentine’s Day. The grouchy Mr. Hyde personality that rears its ugly head in January and February disappears in March as Dr. Jekyll returns to help rebalance the relationship that suffered under some serious stress. Do what Libra does best and be the peace negotiator.
Mars retrogrades in the house of long-distance travel through the entire winter. It’s a good time to travel to foreign countries to visit old friends and family. You may be called upon to help those in need by actively caring for them. Good luck and fortune come your way when you need help from others so don’t be afraid to ask. Siblings lend a hand when necessary. A split with a loved one or close friend occurs at the end of January. It may be a final split or merely a separation. Continue the conversation if there is something to salvage. There’s a major philosophical transformation occurring this winter.
It’s all about money and negotiations during the month of January. Make deals with lovers and spouses about travel destinations. After serious planning then take a big trip after Jupiter turns direct on February 4th. The time away helps deepen love commitments for those that are married. Reconnect in the bedroom. If you’re single this is a time to date a variety of people without making any commitments. For a more serious relationship to develop you’ll have to wait till spring. The beginning of March is a good time to be at home to spend time with family.
The Capricorn New Moon occurs on New Years Eve so set your intention for making the year one of new beginnings. Hard work and effort can make dreams come true this year and can add wealth to the pocketbook. A lover or spouse is irritable during the first two months of the year so it may be hard to please them. Things can be worked out to satisfy everyone on Valentine’s Day. Love is recalibrated most of the winter. It’s important to have difficult conversations with the spouse in order to take the relationship to the next level in the spring. February 28 is a good time for travel.
Pluto in Aquarius supplies a power and stamina to your personality that can attract or repel others. How will you use this atomic energy to your advantage? This energy in combination with Jupiter traveling through the 5th house of romance can turn you into a lover that endures for hours and hours. A retrograde Mars can make work situations get in the way of playtime so be flexible with scheduling. January 29 is a good time to escape on a vacation. Pay attention to a lover’s needs on February 12 and through Valentine’s Day. Make them feel extra special by showering them with attention.
Romance gets a spice of imagination the first two months of 2025. If partnered, rediscover what it is about a loved one that first made you fall in love with them. If single, an old flame may reappear heating up an affair from the past. Enjoy the fun and games no matter how they resurface. Jupiter turns direct on February 4th and stirs up a desire to travel away from home. A winter getaway to warmer climates is advised. It’s time to make dreams come true so do the work necessary to deliver on that promise.
Joseph Addeo is a Level IV NCGR-PAA Certified Astrologer. He can be reached via his website at